Friday, May 31, 2024

May Reads!

 Since I had such a great time blogging about my books on here last month, I thought I would swing by and give it another try. 

My number one book pick for May is definitely We Were the Lucky Ones by Georgia Hunter.  It was such an unbelievable, remarkable story of survival during the trauma of World War II that befell an entire family.  It was Sister's book pick for May.  During our Book Club Meeting, we watched the first episode of the Hulu Original series that was based on the book.  That following weekend I binged the rest of the show, and I have to say, I know the book is always better than the show, but this was extremely well done and so close to the book.  I loved seeing the story come alive on screen.  Highly recommend watching the series after reading the book.  Bring tissues.

Side note: Also watched The Tattooist of Auschwitz series on Peacock.  I enjoyed it but it was different!  I would say We Were the Lucky Ones is a 10/10 as far as the screen adaptation goes...The tattooist was just a 7.5/10 for me!  The book was definitely better than the series in this case!  Great performances by the actors, though, and difficult to watch!

One book I didn't really all, was titled My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh.  This was the May Book Pick for the Book Club in town. This month's theme was a celeb book club pick, but the choices were from lesser-known book clubs...Did you know Dua Lipa had a book club?  Me either!  {This wasn't a pick of hers!} This was a title from Florence of Florence and the Machine's Book Club.

This book was pretty redundant and explored the main character's many issues, all of which she drowned out with drugs...and lots of them.  I feel like I was waiting for it to get started or really for something more to happen and I just don't feel like it did.  But I would say, maybe give it a try...because it is a "best of" and has many good reviews, so maybe I'm the one who's missing something.  I was happy when it was over. 

The best thing about the book was our Monthly Meet-up and the cocktail named for the book...The Bodega! {That was where the main character would go in her many drugged-up hazes, and then not remember after!}  Delish! It was the three-year celebration of the book club.  So we played Book Club Bingo and had a Match-up for bingo boards.  We matched Main Characters to Titles, Settings to titles, and Authors to their books of some of the titles we have read over the years!  Not ashamed to boost a bit and say I ROCKED THIS! lol My team was impressed!  I reminded them...I'm a librarian!  

Many of the book club books have been great but this was a definite "miss" for me.  So I quickly went on to the next!

I have a new obsession lately...the Peleton App.  Ever since I hurt my back at the end of April, I have been using the Peloton app to stretch, do yoga, walk, etc.  Peloton is so much more than cycling! I don't have the bike but I have a treadmill of my own and can still do the classes.  When they say Peloton is for Everyone, it's the truth!  The instructors are great. SO motivating.  I feel so seen, lol!  I have now made meditation a daily practice and make it a point to stretch every single day.  

I really love Emma Lovewell and do her core exercises.   If you are familiar with Peloton, you may know that each instructor has their own tagline, or "sign off". I really connected to Emma's: Live, Learn, Love Well. For her, it's more progress, not perfection....something I have been embracing pretty much my entire existence!  I've been starting to follow my favorite instructors on Instagram and saw that Emma has a book!  I got it right away on Audiobook {because she reads it!} and finished it within hours.  It was filled with so many inspiring quotes and great ideas.  After, I ordered a hardcover of the book reread it, and highlighted it like a mad woman!  Such great stuff.  Highly recommend!

Another fun book I read was Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle.  It was recommended to me by my sister.  I had read Rebecca Serle's previous novels before.  This one was fun! For me, all of Rebecca's books have a bit of fantasy to them, which I enjoy.  This one revolves around the main character's dating life.  In each relationship, a mysterious card pops up that gives her the timeline or expiration date of that relationship. I thought it was fun with a bit of a twist I didn't see coming!  Get it, throw it in your beach bag, and enjoy.

These next two books I've been reading throughout the month.  They do not have to be read cover-to-cover, nor are they novels.  

This one I actually got LAST May during Teacher Appreciation Week but didn't actually start reading until this month.  It's a book of essays by well-known people from all areas of entertainment, politics, etc. about their favorite teacher.  Deborah Roberts compiled them all into this sweet, gem of a book.  Perfect to read when this teacher is feeling down about the current state of my lil classroom, school, and world!

Mostly What God Does by Savannah Guthrie I bought on a whim.  Reading the intro she actualy says that her book is not to be read from start to finish and she literally said, "throw it up in the air and see where it lands!  While I didn't do that {I got the Kindle Edition!} I did start with Part 4 Grace because that is legitly my favorite word {my students will tell you!} and something I think God grants me every single day!  I am enjoying her story and insights.  If the faith part scares you a bit, I will say I am finding it is much more than that.

Well, thanks for reading my blog and book picks this month! What did you read this month??  What on your summer TBR?? Let me know in the comments below!!  

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