Friday, May 31, 2024

May Reads!

 Since I had such a great time blogging about my books on here last month, I thought I would swing by and give it another try. 

My number one book pick for May is definitely We Were the Lucky Ones by Georgia Hunter.  It was such an unbelievable, remarkable story of survival during the trauma of World War II that befell an entire family.  It was Sister's book pick for May.  During our Book Club Meeting, we watched the first episode of the Hulu Original series that was based on the book.  That following weekend I binged the rest of the show, and I have to say, I know the book is always better than the show, but this was extremely well done and so close to the book.  I loved seeing the story come alive on screen.  Highly recommend watching the series after reading the book.  Bring tissues.

Side note: Also watched The Tattooist of Auschwitz series on Peacock.  I enjoyed it but it was different!  I would say We Were the Lucky Ones is a 10/10 as far as the screen adaptation goes...The tattooist was just a 7.5/10 for me!  The book was definitely better than the series in this case!  Great performances by the actors, though, and difficult to watch!

One book I didn't really all, was titled My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh.  This was the May Book Pick for the Book Club in town. This month's theme was a celeb book club pick, but the choices were from lesser-known book clubs...Did you know Dua Lipa had a book club?  Me either!  {This wasn't a pick of hers!} This was a title from Florence of Florence and the Machine's Book Club.

This book was pretty redundant and explored the main character's many issues, all of which she drowned out with drugs...and lots of them.  I feel like I was waiting for it to get started or really for something more to happen and I just don't feel like it did.  But I would say, maybe give it a try...because it is a "best of" and has many good reviews, so maybe I'm the one who's missing something.  I was happy when it was over. 

The best thing about the book was our Monthly Meet-up and the cocktail named for the book...The Bodega! {That was where the main character would go in her many drugged-up hazes, and then not remember after!}  Delish! It was the three-year celebration of the book club.  So we played Book Club Bingo and had a Match-up for bingo boards.  We matched Main Characters to Titles, Settings to titles, and Authors to their books of some of the titles we have read over the years!  Not ashamed to boost a bit and say I ROCKED THIS! lol My team was impressed!  I reminded them...I'm a librarian!  

Many of the book club books have been great but this was a definite "miss" for me.  So I quickly went on to the next!

I have a new obsession lately...the Peleton App.  Ever since I hurt my back at the end of April, I have been using the Peloton app to stretch, do yoga, walk, etc.  Peloton is so much more than cycling! I don't have the bike but I have a treadmill of my own and can still do the classes.  When they say Peloton is for Everyone, it's the truth!  The instructors are great. SO motivating.  I feel so seen, lol!  I have now made meditation a daily practice and make it a point to stretch every single day.  

I really love Emma Lovewell and do her core exercises.   If you are familiar with Peloton, you may know that each instructor has their own tagline, or "sign off". I really connected to Emma's: Live, Learn, Love Well. For her, it's more progress, not perfection....something I have been embracing pretty much my entire existence!  I've been starting to follow my favorite instructors on Instagram and saw that Emma has a book!  I got it right away on Audiobook {because she reads it!} and finished it within hours.  It was filled with so many inspiring quotes and great ideas.  After, I ordered a hardcover of the book reread it, and highlighted it like a mad woman!  Such great stuff.  Highly recommend!

Another fun book I read was Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle.  It was recommended to me by my sister.  I had read Rebecca Serle's previous novels before.  This one was fun! For me, all of Rebecca's books have a bit of fantasy to them, which I enjoy.  This one revolves around the main character's dating life.  In each relationship, a mysterious card pops up that gives her the timeline or expiration date of that relationship. I thought it was fun with a bit of a twist I didn't see coming!  Get it, throw it in your beach bag, and enjoy.

These next two books I've been reading throughout the month.  They do not have to be read cover-to-cover, nor are they novels.  

This one I actually got LAST May during Teacher Appreciation Week but didn't actually start reading until this month.  It's a book of essays by well-known people from all areas of entertainment, politics, etc. about their favorite teacher.  Deborah Roberts compiled them all into this sweet, gem of a book.  Perfect to read when this teacher is feeling down about the current state of my lil classroom, school, and world!

Mostly What God Does by Savannah Guthrie I bought on a whim.  Reading the intro she actualy says that her book is not to be read from start to finish and she literally said, "throw it up in the air and see where it lands!  While I didn't do that {I got the Kindle Edition!} I did start with Part 4 Grace because that is legitly my favorite word {my students will tell you!} and something I think God grants me every single day!  I am enjoying her story and insights.  If the faith part scares you a bit, I will say I am finding it is much more than that.

Well, thanks for reading my blog and book picks this month! What did you read this month??  What on your summer TBR?? Let me know in the comments below!!  

Friday, May 3, 2024

Back to Blogging! I'm just as Surprised as you!

  Back at it!

Hard to believe it’s May!  But it is indeed welcome!!

One more month closer to summer and SCHOOL OUT FOR SUMMER!

At the beginning of the year, I promised on Instagram I would post the books I read each month.  I had a banner January with close to 20 books.  I was faithful to my posting again in February but totally and completely forgot to post my March and April books.  So I posted a two-for-one over on Instagram and just didn't have the space to post it all.  SO... I got this idea to post to the blog again!

The last time I posted a blog was in June 2019!  That's crazy.  It's almost as crazy that I blogged for 7 straight years before that!  As I looked back at some of my posts, I laughed a lot, cringed some, and itched to get back to it...if even for a little bit.  I was reminded of the community I was a part of, the friends I made, and the travels I took to meet those friends IRL.

Even before COVID entered the picture, blogs were dismantled, Insta was more of a thing and snippets of my life in pictures seemed more than enough!  With a blog titled The Mishaps and Mayhem of a Solitary Life, blogging in COVID seemed like a good idea, and I even had a few drafts in here that I wrote during that time but I never dared to hit publish.  

Now over four years later, I am not even sure what’s compelling me to do this again. But here we are!

I’m still teaching. Year 22 is quickly coming to a close. I still spend plenty of time solo, but my life is a ‘lil less solitary these days.  Even though he is not staple on my social media and we rarely take photos together, I’ve been pretty happily dating for almost 3 years.  While my circle of friends has gotten smaller since COVID, the friends I have now are really the only ones I need.  

There is a lot to be said about friendships in your 40s…no drama, lots of laughs, talk about how our bodies are changing, wine, board games, book clubs, and more wine! LOL  Some you don’t see all the time, but when you do, it’s always as if no time has passed!

This brings me back to the main reason I am posting… BOOKS!  You can find my January and February books on Insta!

But I wanted to share more of my March and April round-up here!

If you read only one book this month, make it The Women by Kristen Hannah.  I listened to the author read it on audio and could not stop reading/ listening for three days straight.  It was such a different perspective and I’ll be honest in saying, I had no idea about a lot of it!  I listened to the audio but think I need to buy book because I just loved it so much I thought I should have it!  To go right next to my favorite book of all time, The Nightingale.

Another book I listened to {when the author reads it I feel compelled to do so}, was Nineteen Steps by Millie Bobby Brown.  Yes, that Millie Bobby Brown, the actress from Stanger Things fame!  I was impressed.  It was inspired by her Grandmother’s own story and painted quite a picture of WWII in London.  So, another different perspective.  It was both heartbreaking and hopeful.  Highly recommend!!

I  finally finished The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon!  I started reading it on the plane to Iceland {Maybe I’ll blog about THAT soon!}  and finally got around to finishing it.  I think because it was one I bought on my Kindle and it was always there, so when my library holds come through, I feel like I have to read those first.  I enjoyed it!  Another piece of history I knew very little about!

Last year my sisters and I started a book club to make it a point to see one another each month.  If you are familiar with me on Instagram you know that in February we read
Beloved by Toni Morrison and it was ROUGH!  So we needed a light-hearted easy read for March!  And Nora Goes of Script was just the ticket!!  We loved it.  Why did we read Beloved you ask?  Well, in January, our book club selection was The Reading List…a new FAVE!  And as you probably guessed, it revolved around a reading list!  HA!  Beloved was on that list, so our thought was to work our way through the list! Needless to say, we have now taken a break from that idea.

Our April {but kinda March, too because we got together for book club on April 5th!} book was Just the Nicest Couple by Mary Kubica.  It was a good book for discussion but was not a fave.  I enjoyed her Local Woman Missing more!  The best thing about the book was our book club meeting at a local brewery and Distillery! Didn't end up taking a photo with the book but the drinks were good!

As I look the list of my March List of books, I realize  I read several books with strong female leads!  Go ME as March is Women’s History Month!  LOL

More in March:

The Fifth Avenue Apartment and Gilded Girl, both by Pamela Kelley.  Kelly is a new-to-me author I discovered this year and I am enjoying her storytelling and easy writing.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. Another good story.  I read this for another book club I am part of in town.  I enjoy this book club because we read many different books, that honestly, I would never pick up on my own.  This was more in the fantasy realm, but I really liked it and was about to get engrossed in the story easily.  Another good book club pick…great discussions.  Was sad when I ended up having to miss the meeting when I threw out my back!

If He Had Been with Me by Laura Nowlin. Crazy, twisty good.  Part of a two-book series…the same story told from the other perspective.  I am not yet sure I want to pick that up! I liked this one too much!

The Lost Book Shop was the April book club selection for The Better Man Book Club in town one of the very few books I finished in April.  Another different story, and very much something in the fantasy vein, again but I did like it and had lots to say at the book club.  I also highlighted a lot of great quotes from the story on my Kindle!

Last month, I read/listened to a new series by Samantha Chase.  I tend to listen to her books when I am awake at two in the morning and can’t get back to sleep…and then I get invested and am up all night!! LOL

I like all her series…they are light, fun and have a bit of sass & spice. For anyone familiar with her series, the two that I read from her were part of a new spinoff of The Donovans Series: SweetBriar Ridge. The First Two Books in the series were Wanting You and Teasing You.

I’m already on track for a great May reading-wise…so stay tuned!


Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Currently: June 2019

As I slowly get back in to the blogging world, I've decided to join Anne in Residence for Currently: June!  Currently I am counting down the days until summer vacation...but until then, here's what else I'm up to currently...

Picking: Books for my summer reading list!!  Soon enough it'll be summer, and I'll be back to reading for pleasure...I keep adding to my summer reading list.  So far I have Searching for Sylvie Lee and The Mother-in-Law on my list!  What else should I add?  Let me know in the comments below!!

Going: To bed early every night...because, damn, I'm tired!!

Wishing: The school year would just be OVER already!! Honestly, it's been a really rough year!  I am so ready for it to be over so I can start fresh again in September!!  I need a break!

Wearing: Finally outta leggings and boots and in spring/summer clothes: skinny pants and tank blouses for work!!  

Celebrating:  The end of the school year!!  Exactly two weeks from today I will officially be Summer Break! And I can't wait!  There is so much to do in these two weeks but I'll handle it and get it done!!  And then I'll be jumping for joy!!

What are you up to this month? Let me know in the comments below!!

Monday, June 3, 2019

May Goals...CRUSHED!!!

It's been about forever and a day since I've blogged!  Partly because I'm not really sure who cares what I really have to say and partly because I don't really think I have much to say anyway.  But I'm gonna keep blogging for me...I enjoy it and when I need a little time out from my life, it's fun to just come back to my little slice of the interweb!! 

I set some goals for myself in May and I just wanna write about CRUSHING them!!  YAY!!

When the month of May began, I set a goal to not but any clothes, and to only drink ONE cup of coffee a day in May.  And guess what...I kinda CRUSHED these!!  GO ME!!

I started the coffee goal actually because I had to ration my pods.  I have been skipping my Amazon Subscribe and Save Orders to save money!  But I also realized that one cup of coffee a day would also cut my sugar drastically, so that was great too!  I pretty much stuck to the one cup a day in May and did great!!  I slipped up once...on a Taco Tuesday...where we got dessert,  and instead of a third margarita I went with a coffee instead.  Because you see...Sail Away Coffee at Flo's is just the most delish and I had to have it...and it being a Tuesday and all, I thought the coffee was a better bet than the maragrita!  So I'm still calling it a win!!

I did really great with the clothes shopping goal!  I didn't shop for clothes and instead put together a "donate bag" of things I never wear anymore.  Now that it is June, I will confess to shopping online this weekend tho!  HA!!  But who can pass up 60% off  and free shipping at LOFT!!  That never happens!!  And I needed a dress for my school's upcoming graduation ceremony!  I'm super excited to have scored this dress for $27!!

Now that June is here I am in crazy "end of the school year" mode!!  We have 13 days left, but there is so much to do in those thirteen days.  I have not even thought about goals for the month!!  But I am starting to think up a Summer Bucket List in my maybe I'll blog about it!!

Until then...

Here's to sunny days ahead for you this week!!  Cheers!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Bought it Online!

So excited to have the lead of today's post over at The Blended Blog!  Today's prompt is "Bought it Online" and since I buy everything online, I thought I was definitely the girl for the job!

At the beginning of the year I had a goal to not to purchase any clothes until the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale in July.  I did pretty good for about a month and a half.  Then I won the Super Bowl Pool that a local boutique (basically the only non-online store I shop at!) ran.  The prize a gift card to the I wondered on in.!  And so I got bit by the shopping bug once again! least I tried!  LOL

It was all down hill from there!  Since then I ordered a shirt to wear for St. Patrick's Day on Amazon   and one to wear to school at a cute online store primarily for teachers called The Wright Stuff !

And I'm eagerly awaiting my latest online first from Abbie and Deena's Salt and Light Lifestyle shop! I ordered this camo maxi! Can't wait to wear it all soon as spring gets here!!

 So I've really cut down on my purchases, but I'm still shopping!  LOL

What have you bought online recently?  Link up over at TBB and let us see!!  Happy Wednesday friends!!  And thanks so much for stopping by!!

Monday, March 4, 2019

TBB Asks: Shopping

TBB Asks day is always one of my faves...and that fact that today's topic is Shopping has me really excited! Even though I was supposed to be on a shopping made it one whole month!!  Here are my up with us over at TBB so I can read yours or let me know them in the comments below.

1. Top 3 Shops
Amazon, Nordstrom...and probably these days,  my hometown boutique, Say More!

2. Where is most of your shopping done?
Most definitely ONLINE!!

3. Favorite thing to shop for?
CLOTHES!!  Do I need more clothes? Probably not...but I love to shop for them!!

4. What do you hate shopping for?
Honestly...groceries!!  Nothing I need is ever on sale when I need it and food is so friggin' expensive!

5. Most favorite thing you've ever bought?
That's so tough!!  I have no idea!

6. Do you prefer shopping alone or with others?
Well since the majority of my shopping is done online and alone, when I actually get out to shop I prefer to do it with friends.  It's fun and they always have an opinion!!

7. Best Bargain? 
Hmmmm....another tough one!!  I never buy anything if it's not on sale, so I always try to get the bargains!!

8. Thrift store shopping...yes of no?
Well the only thing I've ever gone thrift store shopping for books for my classroom library.  But I am not opposed to it for clothes.  I have a friend from work who thrifts all the time and she had the best clothes!  And tells me all the time she finds things with TAGS on them.  When I ask her where she gets something she's wearing, more often then not she'll tell me Sal may know it as The Salvation Army!  HA!!

9. Best Cities for Shopping?
This is tough one because I don't travel much.  I found great stuff in Toronto when we were there for our TBB trip last year.  I like that they had different stores than I have at home!

10. Fashion icon?
I like to try to keep up with the trends, but I wouldn't say I have one style icon.  I like the classic looks and like scooping out new clothes via blogs and websites!!

Thanks for stopping by today!!  All this shopping talk makes me wanna go do a lil online shopping!!  HA!  Have a great Monday!!

Friday, March 1, 2019


The first week back at school after a week off is always rough!!  This week was no exception...and it seriously was just the LONGEST!!!  I am so glad it's finally Friday!!  As I continue to look for the positive in each day this year, I thought since I haven's shared a Friday Five in awhile, I'd get back to it...because even the longest weeks have some bright spots!!

I finally got my hair done!
After two years it was certainly time!!  I brightened up my color a bit, cut off all the dead ends and got layers!

Freshly Meal Delivery
I've pretty much tried every meal delivery kit out there!  I've been waiting for Freshly to start delivering in my area.  This week I received my second delivery.  Each one comes with 6 meals.  I started out with the most but may go down to 4, not sure yet.  After the first six, I decided what I really loved and what was just ok for me.  These meals are made fresh and sent to you ready to microwave, so it's the easiest!!  For me and my long nights, it totally works.  I don't want to spend hours in the kitchen!   I am finding I am loving the pastas, risottos and bowls the best...not so much the meats!  But will have to give a few more a try before I make a final decision.
Hands Down my favorite meal is this Veggie Penne Pasta...Delish!! 

Waiting on my Fab Fit Fun Box
Even though I don't have it yet, just knowing that it's on it's way is a fave!!  It's my first box and I was able to customize it a little bit so I am eagerly awaiting all my goodies!

This BEER!
It's probably super random that I'm including beer in my five, but seriously this beer I had on Wednesday was so different and DELISH.  It's brewed by a brewery right here in town (Long Island's Oldest Brewery!) and it's made with coconut and sticky rice wheat.  It's called the South Pacific.  You can actually taste the sticky rice!  I didn't think it'd be that good but it totally is.  I'm going back this weekend to get my growler filled and have what their billing as their own Black and Tan with South Pacific and a Roast Mocha Stout!!  You'd think that after drinking ALL the beer in Boston last week that I'd be over it...but I guess I'm not!!  I still have a few weeks in this winter body, right??

Shallow Wins the Oscar!
Did I watch the entire Oscars? Nope...but I did see Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper's performance of Shallow and Gag's win.  So well- deserved!  And I like the two of them together.  I know they're not and their are lots of rumors, but hey even if Bradley was my friend...I'd take it!  HA!!  And and in all honestly, all the A Star is Born music is really great!
image via

Have a great weekend all!  Happy March!  Speaking of March get ready for a fun month with us over at The Blended Blog!!  It all starts Monday with TBB Asks!  It's all about Shopping!!  Grab our graphic and link up with us!!  See you there!!

Linking up with Erika today!