Thursday, August 24, 2017
Summer is for Reading!
And boy have I read...and read...and READ!!
I have been a total book geek this summer! And I'm not going to lie...I LOVE IT!
I joined my library's summer reading program, my library's Advanced Reader's Club and have been going to a library program called Novel Brews at a local cheese shop/eatery that I love, since June. My library pretty much rocks!
I think I have to preface this by saying, I have never read this much in my life! BUT some of these books I listened to, and I think that helped me up my Summer Reading total. Listening to books is pretty much the perfect thing to do while laying out...I go with it.
I am going to attempt to share my thoughts on the books I've read this summer in a number of posts. So the posts are not uber long, I've decided to split them up. This week, I'm sharing my thoughts on the books I've read during the library programs! Next time I'll share audiobooks, then book, books, etc.
Today it's all about the library...pretty much my favorite place. I am probably on my local library's website at least once a day. I always request the books I am looking for and am notified via text when they are available for pick-up! More than once, I've had to bring a tote bag with me to pick up my books! #sorrynotsorry
I mentioed that I joined the library's advanced readers club. This is really cool. The library puts out books at the beginning of each month and members can choose a book they would like to read, in exchange for a short, honest review after reading. The books are free of charge and can be kept.
My first book I read for the ARC (and the first book I read this summer) was called Reading with Patrick. Being a teacher, I chose this book from the June list. Reading with Patrick was published on July 11th. I finished it before the publishing date. It's a good timeline for me, as I always hope to get through the book before the publication date. The book is a memior by Michelle Kuo, a young girl who completes a Teach for America stint in the Delta. Here's my review of the book, submitted to the library:
"As a teacher and librarian myself, I was drawn to this book. And after reading it, am so happy that a book like this exists! Every teacher says that if they can have an impact on just one student in their career...for author Michelle Kuo, Patrick was that student. This memoir tells of their journey together over many years....from the classroom to prison. I loved this book form start to finish. I was engrossed in these people and rooting for them. I was astonished at Patrick's growth throughout the story- his drive and determination, in circumstances where others would just give up! But Miss Kuo was his guardian angel! I loved reading passages from books as they read together and even received quite the history lesson on the Delta! Highly recommend!!"
The ARC book I chose for July....I'll be honest...I didn't enjoy!! Actually the more I think about it, I can freely say, I hated it. I rated it two stars, and even I think that was generous! The Marriage Pact bt Michaelle Richmond was so unrealistic!! But maybe it just wasn't my cup of tea. Others seem to enjoy it. It got an average of 4 stars on Goodreads!
Here's my review:
"This novel is a total work of fiction. The plot is so unbelievable and over the top! Yet, the narrator and his wife are likable people and it's a interesting look at marriage. It was a page-turner, but I'm not sure it's because I enjoyed the book or just wanted to get it finished. I didn't mind the end and how the story was wrapped up! It was just ok... "
I was able to get two books for August, one of which I am currently reading and think I am going to enjoy, Perfectly Undone. I will let you know what I think soon!!
Another library program I've been attending is called Novel Brews. the group used to meet at a local coffee shop (hence the name!) but now meets at one of my favorite places in town to chat and discuss the books. I've known about this program for awhile,. but never thought to attend, because the book picks were not anything I thought I was interested in reading. But after reading the newsletter in early June, I saw that the books for the summer months were actually ones that I had. So I signed up to attend.
June's pick was I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh. I kinda loved this book! It centers around the death of a child, which is difficult, but is very well done! It was a page-turner, and I didn't see that twist coming!! Find out more about it here!
July's pick was A Man Called Ove which I've had sitting on my shelf since the inception of The Blended Blog's Virtual Book Club back in February! It was Lana's pick! And I can say without any question, that this book was my favorite of the whole summer!! I laughed, I cried, I rooted for Ove and the rest of these characters!! LOVED! LOVED! LOVED!! Also, it should be noted that I listened to this book on audio while reading along with it! I enjoyed helped me recognize the Swedish pronunciations!! (Ove is pronounced ooohhhh-vaaa).
August's Novel Brews pick was Mrs. Houdini by Victoria Kelly. A different sort of book than I am used to, but I think that's why I'm loving things like this and the TBB Book Club...because I am getting exposed to books I wouldn't ordinarily choose for myself! This was not my favorite, but I did end up liking it. I liked the twist in it, but during the discussion, found out, that THAT was a completely fictional part! Bummer! I did find it interesting to learn more about Harry Houdini and Bess though!
On tap for September is The Woman in Cabin 10. Another TBB Book Club pick! I've heard good things about it. And want to get it read, because once school starts, I know things will be crazy!!
What have you been reading this summer? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below! And if you're on Good Reads, feel free to follow me here!!
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Tasty Tuesday with TBB: One Pot Pasta
Happy Tuesday Ya'll...another summer day is upon us! The clouds are rolling in and temperature drop the next few days is going to bring Fall like temps!! I'm not sure how I feel about this!!
This week so far has been spent getting ready for the new school year! #thumdsdown Last night I looked up and it was 20 to 8 and I had yet to make dinner. I needed something quick and easy. Enter this One Pot Pasta dish! That I totally made up one day...but was a big hit at a recent get together.
Usually when I am invited to someone's house, I bring the WINE! But guess what?!? Not everyone drinks!! (and YES, I do still hang with!!) So when I was invited to lunch I whipped up this super easy pasta as a side dish to go with the sandwiches we were going to have, with a few pantry staples! It turned out delish and my friend told me that her husband ate it for a few nights afterward!
So, so easy!! Give it a whirl!!
These three ingredients...that's it!!
The tortellini could be whatever flavor, too!! And since these were just plain three cheese, I mixed it up with fire-roasted diced tomatoes. When I made it for my friends, I used spinach and cheese tort with plain diced tomatoes...totally mix and match to your liking!!
Cook the pasta according to package directions, drain and rinse.
Tansfer to large mixing bowl.
Top with diced tomatoes heated quickly in the microwave. (Also, I spooned them out, so there was less juice!!)
Add a dalloop of pesto...
Mix and enjoy!!
As a single girl, this will last me a few nights as a meal in itself. But you can use it as a side dish for lunch or dinner as well. And you can eat it right away still warm, or eat it right out of the bowl chilled the next day...honestly anything goes!!
Linking up for Tasty Tuesday with my girls at The Blended Blog today!! Link up your favorite recipes here!
Monday, August 14, 2017
Summer's Guilty Pleasures!
Linking up today with the ladies of The Blended Blog to share Summer's Guilty Pleasures. Who doesn't indulge and splurge a bit in the summer. For me, the summertime brings freedom and possibility. With being off all summer, I'm basically free to do as I please. And by the time the middle of August hits, I am snapped back to reality and realize, that yes, this summer I spent too much, ate too much and drank too much...and I NEED to get back to work to help pay for it all!!
Here are some of my favorite summer guilty pleasures.
Definitely spending way too much time in the sun {and loving it}!!
If it's sunny, my butts in a lounge chair! My moto, "Everybody looks better with a tan!"
Putting off just about everything house related!
Laundry and cleaning can wait til a rainy day!
Which brings me to my next one...binge watching tv series.
This one is a little hard to do during the school year! But on a rainy day in summer, I basically feel no guilt if I watch 10 consecutive episodes of an entire series. Or over four days while on vacation...because you don't have hulu at home! #thehandmaidstale
Guilty Pleasure Show: Married at First Sight
I don't really watch much tv in the summer other than the binging I mentioned above, but this summer I got back into Married at First Sight. I watched it once awhile ago and after none of the couples stayed together, I was over it. But then I saw that it was relaunching on Lifetime this summer and watched. The show totally stresses me the F out, but I really liked this summer's season. All three couples remained together in the end and particularly enjoyed Anthony and Ashley's story. I need an Anthony in my life!!
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People Magazine Online |
This summer I discovered the joy of audiobooks. And while I'd never say reading was a guilty pleasure, I think listening to books on audio just might be. While I'm sitting in the sun I can listen. And sometimes I'll keep listening and listening because I just need to finish this chapter!! I can't even count the number of audiobooks I've read this summer! And have yet to do a blog book review because there's so many. I read paperbacks and ebooks all summer long too, but audiobooks I think are definitely a guilty pleasure!
Nordstrom Anniversary Sale
I have to add the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale as guilty pleasure. It's definitely something I look forward to in the summer! And I shop with abandon. Thank the good Lord for free shipping and free returns!! By the time it's over though, I can't say I'm not a little bit happy!! By now all my returns have been shipped, I've scored a few things with my rewards, and am all set for Fall to arrive.
How much fun!! What are you guilty pleasures in the summer? Head over to The Blended Blog and link 'em up {here}! Have a great Monday ya'll! I headed out for a day in the sun!
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
My "Skater" Look!?!?
Wednesday already!?!? Great for those in the working world, not great for teachers like me who are wishing summer would please stay!!
Today calls for a fun look! I'm calling my skater look! LOL
We have this new taco place in town (you might have seen it on my instagram page!) that has a very California vibe and for some reason, on their TV's they always have skater videos on. Ya know, like skateboarders doing tricks and flips. At first I thought it was weird, but now when I'm there I find myself watching them. The last time I was there, I wore this outfit and for some reason I think it's skater-y!
Today calls for a fun look! I'm calling my skater look! LOL
We have this new taco place in town (you might have seen it on my instagram page!) that has a very California vibe and for some reason, on their TV's they always have skater videos on. Ya know, like skateboarders doing tricks and flips. At first I thought it was weird, but now when I'm there I find myself watching them. The last time I was there, I wore this outfit and for some reason I think it's skater-y!
Love, love love the split back on this top!!
Skater-ish? What do you think?? Let me know in the comments below!!
What are you wearing today!? Whatever it is I hope it makes you feel fabulous!
Link up your fashion posts with the girls and I at The Blended Blog today below...
Monday, August 7, 2017
TBB Asks....August!
August ALREADY!! YUCK!! I am so not ready for the craziness that is Back to School to begin! Good thing I have today's blog post to keep me in summer mode!!
We had so much fun last month with this post, we've decided to do it on the regular! TBB Asks! Today's questions are all summer themed! Grab our graphic answer the questions on you blog or on insta and link up with us! Read on to get to know more about me and my summer faves!!
1. Pool, Lake or Ocean?: I love the water so I wouldn't refuse any of these! But I'm more of a pool girls for sure!
2. Camping, cottage or hotel? HOTEL!! Most definitely!!
3. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Plain ol' chocolate!
4. Hmmm...this ones hard!! LOL...I wear PJ's but I don't sleep in them! I wear them before bed or when I wake up in the morning to lounge in. Typically, I'll sleep in a tank and boyshort undies. TMI?!? I once blogged about it and have never been able to live it down...head here for a laugh!!
5. Fave summer beverage? An ice cold beer is always a good go-to on a hot summer day!!
6. Hot or Cold? Hot....I HATE the cold!!
7. Sandals with heels or flats? I'm a flats girl!
8. Shorts or skirts? Shorts, shorts, and more shorts. Other than than I'll throw on a dress!
9. Sun or Shade? This answer is no surprise to anyone! I'm this group's resident Summer Girl!!
10. Water, tea or soda? Definitely water! But a nice iced tea is yummy too! I hardly ever drink soda! Unless it's clear like Sprite...and it has Stoli Raz in it! LOL
11. Favorite Summer fruit or vegetable- Corn on the cob! Even though I hate how it gets stuck in my teeth!
12. Sunrise or sunset....can't choose- both are beautiful! But I've of course seen more sunsets than sunrises!
13. Bike ride or Walk? I walk everywhere! It has been years and years and years since I've been on a bicycle. I probably have to relearn how to ride one!
14. Winery or Brewery? Both and I'm lucky enough to live in close proximity to lots of both!!
15. Garden or no garden? No garden...I don't have much space here for a garden but even if I did, I wouldn't have a garden...that's work!
16. Big Summer Concert or Music in the Park? Concerts are kind of my thing!!
17. Fave cookout food? Other than burgers (the answer to question 23!) I'd say it's my sister's corn salad. She brings it to all our summer barbecues! Find the recipe here!
18. Dining indoors or on the patio! I'm ok with both. If I have the opportunity to eat outside on the water I take it! But if I was just home, I'd say stay in!!
19. Favorite Summer Destination- The Outer Banks in North Carolina! My family has been vacatioing there since I was 8 years old!
20. Theme Park or Carnival? Theme park! But carnivals make me think of zeppolis, which I love!
21. Drinks blended or on the rocks! Both!
22. Popsicle flavor: Lemon!
23. Burgers or Dogs? Definitely burgers...cheeseburgers!
So fun! The perfect way to kickoff a Monday! Hope it's a great one!
What are your summer faves? Let me know in the comments below!
We had so much fun last month with this post, we've decided to do it on the regular! TBB Asks! Today's questions are all summer themed! Grab our graphic answer the questions on you blog or on insta and link up with us! Read on to get to know more about me and my summer faves!!
1. Pool, Lake or Ocean?: I love the water so I wouldn't refuse any of these! But I'm more of a pool girls for sure!
2. Camping, cottage or hotel? HOTEL!! Most definitely!!
3. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Plain ol' chocolate!
4. Hmmm...this ones hard!! LOL...I wear PJ's but I don't sleep in them! I wear them before bed or when I wake up in the morning to lounge in. Typically, I'll sleep in a tank and boyshort undies. TMI?!? I once blogged about it and have never been able to live it down...head here for a laugh!!
5. Fave summer beverage? An ice cold beer is always a good go-to on a hot summer day!!
6. Hot or Cold? Hot....I HATE the cold!!
7. Sandals with heels or flats? I'm a flats girl!
8. Shorts or skirts? Shorts, shorts, and more shorts. Other than than I'll throw on a dress!
9. Sun or Shade? This answer is no surprise to anyone! I'm this group's resident Summer Girl!!
10. Water, tea or soda? Definitely water! But a nice iced tea is yummy too! I hardly ever drink soda! Unless it's clear like Sprite...and it has Stoli Raz in it! LOL
11. Favorite Summer fruit or vegetable- Corn on the cob! Even though I hate how it gets stuck in my teeth!
12. Sunrise or sunset....can't choose- both are beautiful! But I've of course seen more sunsets than sunrises!
14. Winery or Brewery? Both and I'm lucky enough to live in close proximity to lots of both!!
15. Garden or no garden? No garden...I don't have much space here for a garden but even if I did, I wouldn't have a garden...that's work!
16. Big Summer Concert or Music in the Park? Concerts are kind of my thing!!
17. Fave cookout food? Other than burgers (the answer to question 23!) I'd say it's my sister's corn salad. She brings it to all our summer barbecues! Find the recipe here!
18. Dining indoors or on the patio! I'm ok with both. If I have the opportunity to eat outside on the water I take it! But if I was just home, I'd say stay in!!
19. Favorite Summer Destination- The Outer Banks in North Carolina! My family has been vacatioing there since I was 8 years old!
20. Theme Park or Carnival? Theme park! But carnivals make me think of zeppolis, which I love!
21. Drinks blended or on the rocks! Both!
22. Popsicle flavor: Lemon!
23. Burgers or Dogs? Definitely burgers...cheeseburgers!
So fun! The perfect way to kickoff a Monday! Hope it's a great one!
What are your summer faves? Let me know in the comments below!
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