Thursday, September 6, 2018

It's Throwback Thursday Y'all!!

Hey Friends!!  
Happy Throwback Thursday!!  It's the day when I revisit some of my favorite posts!!  Today, in honor of the new school year and yesterday's first day of school (insert sad face here! #summerforever), I'm sharing a special throwback for you!!

In addition to blogging here on The Mishaps and Mayhem of a Solitary Life (or these days, more accurately, just documenting life on Insta daily) I'm a contributor to The Blended Blog, with a super fabulous group of woman.  We are coming up on year three of our collective!  YAY!!

Two years ago on TBB I shared A Teacher's Survival Guide for Back to School.  It's how I survive as a teacher!  And guess what?  It still rings true today!!  So I'd love it if you'd hop on over to TBB and give it a read!!  And feel free to leave me a comment about how you survive back to school...either as a teacher, parent or just plain ol' human!!  If you are a regular, year round worker, are you hating the traffic these days??  LOL  Let me know!!

Find my original post here!!

And because it's #TBT and Back to School time, here's a bonus treat!!  An old school, school photos of Kindergarten circa 1985.

First day of Kindergarten (Left)

First School Photo! (Right)
One I have never lived down!  When anyone asked me why I didn't smile I said, "The guy told me to look at his nose, there was nothing funny about his nose! This is probably the only time in my life I didn't smile for a photo & the only time my hair was not pin straight and whispy! {Why did my mom keep this?!?

Side note: I HATED EVERY SINGLE DAY of Kindergarten. I cried every single day and they had to send for my oldest sister , who was in seventh grade at the time to come and calm me down!!


  1. Oh, bless your heart! You cried every day of kindergarten? I can't tell you how many little ones I comforted over the years that had a hard time coming to school. Just breaks my heart. Your pictures are so cute - look at that blonde hair!

  2. Look how adorable little Katie is! So funny, we were just talking about how much more traffic there is in the neighborhood since school started. Hope you're having a great weekend!


Thanks so much for taking the time to post comments! They make me smile so big!