Tuesday, July 5, 2016

What's in my...junk drawer!

Am I really going to share this with the world?!?  Why, yes, yes, I am!  Today's prompt for the TBB What's in my..... series, is what's in your junk drawer or storage room.  Since my current storage room is really my guest room (thank goodness I haven't had guests in quite some time), I thought I'd share the junk drawer!

And full disclosure here...this is what I would call neat for it at the moment!!

This is a drawer in my kitchen.  Don't ask me why one of the largest drawers in my kitchen is the junk drawer!! But it works I guess...I have a lot of sh*t!!

 Typically when I have people over, sometimes unexpectedly...lol, with one swoop of the arm, whatever is on the counter gets tossed on top of this.  But not too long ago I lost something, had a major freak out, dumped this drawer, threw away half its' contents (from 2014) and was left with this!  I never did find what I was looking for but in my cursing and tears vowed to just chuck everything.  Why do I need expired coupons and broken pencils?!?  I don't even have a pencil sharpener!!

But apparently, I thought it a good idea to save 4 night lights?!?  I think my mom bought me those when I moved in!  Little did she know I live in a pitch black cave at night!!!

A few other things of note:
  • doesn't everyone have a shoehorn? .... have no idea where I got that? 
  • tissues and a brush are a junk drawer must!
  • that Muhelnhaupt and Company coaster is the perfect size to cover my stemless wine glass when I'm outside in the summer!!  Keeps the bugs away!
  • credit cards and gift cards are on the left
  • that brown tin is filled with change...not sure what I'll do with it but it's there!
  • my taxes from the year 2013-15 are buried in there somewhere (so I know where to find them when I need them)!
  • my red nose from red nose day
  • my subway art for every season is also buried in there somewhere!  I post subway art in a frame in my living room for every season!
That's about it I suppose....that and anything thing else I might throw in there at any given time of the day!  

How fun to check out what's in everyone's junk drawer!!  Go link up your post with us over at The Blended Blog or post a pic on Instagram with the #TBBWhatsinmy...


  1. My main junk drawer is in the kitchen too. Love your Katie notepad!

  2. bahahahah- love this. My main drawer is in the ktichen also and looks just like this.

  3. You won't believe this, but we have a shoehorn in our junk drawer, too! I have no idea why it is there or who put it there...it's just there! Crazy!

  4. haha, isn't everyones junk drawer in the kitchen? I thought that was a given, LOL.

  5. Huh, like Sarah asked, isn't every junk drawer in the kitchen - or in my case, junk drawerS! We have graduated to two. Love the subway art and that you change it out for the holidays. So much of what you have in your drawer can be found in one of mine. But if we didn't have junk drawers where would this stuff go? Should we be putting it elsewhere? Can I start a third drawer?


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