Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Happy Heart Day Dad!

Yesterday I posted all about my Saturday at the Kenny Chesney concert.  It being so long and detailed, I HAD to split my weekend recap into two.  And Sunday was so fun anyway, it deserves it's own post.

Sunday was dubbed HAPPY HEART DAY in our family!  

Ten years ago this month, my dad had triple bypass surgery.  It was really a crazy time.  He went to the doctor on a Friday not ever expecting to not come home again for more than two weeks!  He thought at the most that day he would need a stint.  But the doctors admitted him immediately and a quadruple bypass was scheduled for that Monday.  When they went in, they found he needed a triple.  Apparently dad had had a heart attack without even knowing it, a few weeks before.  Now he spends his days exercising, eating better, and consuming more pills than is probably normal...but hey, if it's keeps him with us...it works!!

So, because in our family we celebrate everything, on Sunday we celebrated Dad's 10 years of better health and clear arteries!  My sister Tara thought this up on the day of our Cousins Reunion party last weekend. {Something I never got around to posting a weekend recap about!  Maybe a Sunday Funday that was a little too much fun was to blame!!} Everyone thought it was a great idea.  My family is always up for a party.

We arrived at Tara's around 1:30 on Sunday for a day of sun, fun, and swimming.  The weather was beautiful and everyone had a blast.  The pool area was decorated with heart balloons.  All the food was heart healthy. The dessert was a little less healthy but it was heart-shaped and the cheat of the day! We talked a little bit about that time 10 years ago, too! Mostly the fact that half of dad's grandkids didn't exist yet.

Some more  pictures of the fun!!

Pool Fun!

The cake mom made!

The chaos that is dessert with 9 kids!!

I'm not really sure why no one wore red but for some reason every single one of us showed up in coral.  Even Dad.  This sadly is not the first time this has happened, with this exact same color! Maybe we're just an "on trend" family!  HA!

Mom doesn't like to be left out!
The Original Six

And the award for best picture of the summer goes to....
Perfect shot with the water gun!!
Only Mom is unphased by this!!  Everything is always fabulous in Linda-Land!!

I just love my family!  We said numerous times that day that you just don't know what will happen from one day to the next, so you have to be grateful each day you are given on this earth. So we are. And we know that not everyone is as lucky as our dad when it comes to hearts!!  

Dad thoroughly enjoyed being the center of attention on Sunday!  And hopes we can celebrate him again in another 10 years!!


  1. What a great celebration! So glad that he's healthy--look at the amazing family that surrounds him and keeps him that way! :)

  2. Happy Heart DAY to your Dad!!!!!!

  3. Yay for your daddy! My dad had a stroke back in May 2012. I know how scary stuff with dads can be. To our dads living many, many more healthy years!

  4. Wow, that's amazing! What a neat way to commemorate :) Your family seems like boatloads of fun!

  5. What a wonderful celebration for your family!! Such a great reminder to be grateful for every moment we have with our loved ones. <3

  6. bahahahah, love the group coral shot. And mostly, I love that you celebrate this memory!

  7. Now that is something to celebrate!!!! Woo hoo! Way to go dad!

  8. This is, so so sweet. I love that you guys do this!!! That is such good idea. And that heart cake is the cutest!!

  9. what a great celebration! So much fun, you're family seems like a blast!

  10. This is just so wonderful! I'm so glad that your dad is happy and healthy. So funny that you all wore the same color!

  11. This is so exciting!!! Awesome to hear that he's health! I have a Happy Heart Day in November! I was born with a whole in my left atrium. It will be 28 years since my surgery this fall!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle


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