Monday, May 2, 2016

April in Numbers

Linking up with Deena for April in Numbers today!!

2 girls nights with this ladies!  So rare in our's usually months at a time before all three of us can get together!  Always a night full of laughter and fun!

 After being home every Saturday night in March, I made up for it in April and went out the 4 out of the five Saturdays!  One rainy Saturday night may have been spent in, binge-watching the OJ mini-series.  Sketchy but sucked me right in!  (Ross Geller will always just be Ross Geller to me!)  Actually I had lots of fun nights out scattered through the month.

2 girls-only days with family!
My mom made a trip home in April so on Sunday, April 10th she put together her annual Tea Party for her grand girls...and her daughters!  She always does a great job and the kids love it...

Also had a Sunday girls day with my sister and nieces in town.  Complete with a trip to Meetball for big pretzels and fro yo for dessert!!  Which got me thinking... why don't I ever get froyo?!? I posted more about this day {here}

3 BEAUTIFUL 'lay out" days spent on my Postage Stamp Patio! And a nice base tan to show for it, even if I did get burnt to crisp on my first day out! But it really got me wishing the summer would get here already!

4 Starbucks coffees this month....after not having one since I think January...

Received one Hello Fresh delivery (thanks Mom) and made all three meals!  They were some of the most delicious I can remember!! Not really sure why I only took pics of two of the dishes!!  Maybe I didn't make that third meal...Hmmmm....

 Had one Peapod delivery as well.  In which was 4 boxes of Peanut Butter Cap' Crunch.  Those 4 boxes of cereal contributed to the single most embarrassing moment of the month...which I documented on the Mishaps and Mayhem Facebook Page {follow here!}

1 new computer bought...but have yet to receive!  I mentioned that my computer was getting iffy these days.  I thought about getting a Chromebook, but after using one of my school's this week, I realized at the end of the day I'm a Windows girl!  After seeing this on Amazon as the Deal of the Day on Friday, at 5:30 am I hit "buy now"!  I like that it's a two in one and also that it's five pounds. Way more portable than this huge lug I'm typing on now!!  Fingers crossed it's a good one!  And after 6 years, it was time for something new!

I bought the computer because it's a good deal and because I could kinda afford it at this point, with all the After care I've been doing!  49 hours this month to be exact!  LOL

1 blog photoshoot with my sister that resulted in 78 photos on my iphone! Only a handful of those will be making it to the blog!!
Sneak Peek!

Book club for this month was a total fail, as was completing any book!!  Hoping this changes in May! I want to get back to linking up with Alison for Reading Lately!

I feel like I've slept a lot this month but damnit,  I'm up at 5 am, even on the weekends!!  I watched Arianna Huffington on Dr. Oz talking about her Sleep Revolution earlier this month.  It's got me wanting to track my sleep in May!  I have already begun trying to disconnect from devices 30 minutes before bed.  This is hard though, when my cell phone is my alarm clock!  I may have to invest in a cheapo alarm clock.  I'll let you know how I do in May!

And last but not least...1 new 'do!  I colored my hair...#graybegone

April in Numbers on the blog...
Posted 19 times in April (my lowest since January, but up five since this time last year!)
Most viewed post: Finally Friday!
Most view post via The Mishaps and Mayhem of a Solitary Life FB pageMonday Moments of Gratitude (4-4-16)  I posted this to the FB super late in the evening,  but it had the most views...that's good to know!!!
Photos on Insta! 62 Find me! I'm @solitarylife101

Check out this year's previous Numbers posts {here}!

And now MAY is here, and you know what that more month closer to summer!!  Woo Hoo!!  Hope you all have a month filled with fun, food, family and everything else in between!!


  1. Sounds like you had a pretty great month! Girls' nights really are the best! And way to go for getting out on Saturdays! I've been so busy lately that all I want to do is hang-in when I get the chance.

  2. Awesome month with all the family and friends fun! Love the hair colour and I can't wait to see your pictures for Wednesday!

  3. What a terrific month for you! Now rock out in May :)

  4. I love Hello Fresh, I tried them once and was really pleased with the quality and the taste. And that is hilarious about your Captain Crunch story. :)

  5. Oh your hair is soooo pretty! Yay for girl time with family and friends and a new computer is so great!! Can't wait to see some of your photo shoot pictures!

  6. Wow, what a fun month you had with all of your outings! 78 pictures, hehe, so glad I'm not the only one that takes a million...or 78 pictures ;)

  7. It sounds like you didn't post as much because you were out having fun, which is still a huge win!! Love your new hair do!! Fun & summery!!

  8. Love the new hair. Hahah grey be gone. Also can't wait to see the pics from your photoshoot! I'm halfway through OJ. Guilty pleasure !!

  9. Wow, you had a full month. Wish you could have added "went to Vegas with my blogging buddies"! Next year for sure. Love your new hair!


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