Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Self-Care for Teachers!

I'm bringing back my Teacher Tuesdays posts for today!

This week we are celebrating  Catholic Schools Week.  While it's a lot of work and extra days on two weekends in a row for teachers, it's also a lot of fun for us and our students!  I especially enjoy the two dress down days!  HA!

This weekend I joined the Teachers Connect Community online.  It's a site that urging teachers to connect and share.  As I was scoping out  the site, I came across a post where a fellow teacher asked others to share their favorite "Self-Care "activities!  I thought it was a fun idea and thought of a few to make my own list!

I'm sharing my list today on the blog!

Enjoying a cup of coffee in bed before getting ready for the day.

Start the day with a inspirational quote, scripture passage, or devotional.

Work clothes off ... pj's on!

Going to bed early to enjoy a book before lights-out.
Forgetting it's a school night and staying out late...it's totally worth it.

A good long soak in the tub to wash away the stress of the day!

Laughs with a friend after school.

Treat yourself to a new work outfit.

Leave the grading for school!

Enjoy An outing with teacher-friends outside of school.

Forget the laundry...binge-watch your favorite show instead!

Dance parties in your living room!

Spike your coffee on the weekend!

Turning the alarm OFF!!


That was really  fun!  And it can pretty much apply to ANYONE!!  What do you do for  YOU!!  Let me know in the  comments below!!

Linking up  for Wine'd Down Wednesday!


  1. Yes! So important. Teaching is a profession where you are constantly caring for other; therefore, it's SUPER important to take time for yourself so you don't get burned out of super stressed!

  2. Fun!! I know so many teachers - probably all the good ones - who work hours after they get 'off' every day. Not that working after hours makes a teacher good but it goes with the territory, sadly. Love the mug with the Rum Chata quote. That stuff is so good! I imagine it would be a fabulous creamer.


Thanks so much for taking the time to post comments! They make me smile so big!